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인천 요양병원 위치, 주소, 연락처(전화번호)

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업데이트일: 2022-07-11
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올바른요양병원 인천광역시 강화군 강화읍 강화대로393번길 5 ()032-933-8275
의료법인정수의료재단도담병원 인천광역시 강화군 내가면 해안서로 964 (내가면)032-933-5222
의료법인 필의료재단 강화필병원 인천광역시 강화군 불은면 해안동로 464-17 ()937-0321
강화희망요양병원 인천광역시 강화군 송해면 강화대로 743 ()
의료법인우진의료재단한길병원 인천광역시 강화군 송해면 강화대로 902 (송해면)032-934-1191
빅토리아요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 계산새로 71 C동 11,12,13층 (계산동, 하이베라스)032-552-8050
예진요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 계양대로 188 4,5층 (계산동, 노바체빌딩)032-556-8810
인천제2시립노인치매요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 드림로 852 (갈현동)554-8300
신성요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 아나지로 306 (작전동)032-550-0506
성로 요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 아나지로 380 (작전동,(1,3,4층))555-4663
효성요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 안남로 538 (효성동)032-555-2695
한아름요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 오조산로 51 지하1~5층 (계산동)032-541-8575
청구요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 오조산로57번길 11-1 2,3,7층 (계산동, 강남모던빌)032-542-3535
효사랑요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 장제로 672 (작전동,신영프라자(2층전체,4층일부))032-543-7582
의료법인 삼정의료재단 삼정병원 인천광역시 계양구 장제로 800 (계산동,인산빌딩(1~7층))032-543-7530
의료법인샬롬의료재단브니엘요양병원 인천광역시 계양구 주부토로 494 (계산동)032-555-1088
인천봄뜰요양병원 인천광역시 남구 경원대로 891 (주안동)432-7585
인천봄뜰요양병원 인천광역시 남구 경원대로 891 (주안동)432-7585
인천베드로요양병원 인천광역시 남구 경인로 107 (숭의동, 지2층 ~ 8층)884-3300
인천베드로요양병원 인천광역시 남구 경인로 107 (숭의동, 지2층 ~ 8층)884-3300
도화요양병원 인천광역시 남구 경인로 302 (도화동)032-865-0033
인천사랑요양병원 인천광역시 남구 경인로 400 (주안동, 지하2층~지하1층, 1층일부~10층)032-421-0503
인천사랑요양병원 인천광역시 남구 경인로 400 (주안동, 지하2층~지하1층, 1층일부~10층)032-421-0503
아암요양병원 인천광역시 남구 미추로 53 1~8, 10층일부층 (숭의동, 해오른요양병원)032-882-7114
인일요양병원 인천광역시 남구 미추홀대로 699 (주안동, 지하3층~9층)863-0051
세인트요양병원 인천광역시 남구 아암대로 53 3~10층 (용현동, 세인트재활빌딩)032-870-8700
인천백세요양병원 인천광역시 남구 아암대로29번길 48 (용현동)032-884-7551
인천백세요양병원 인천광역시 남구 아암대로29번길 48 (용현동)032-884-7551
새인천요양병원 인천광역시 남구 인주대로 385 (주안동)032-719-7874
신주안요양병원 인천광역시 남구 인주대로 432 (주안동)032-270-3000
금강요양병원 인천광역시 남구 인주대로 452 (주안동, A동 지1층~6층, B동 5층~6층)032-215-7575
햇살요양병원 인천광역시 남구 인중로 13 (숭의동)032-891-9558
의료법인 동주의료재단 동주요양병원 인천광역시 남구 인하로 372 (주안동)421-7501
샬롬요양병원 인천광역시 남구 학익소로 19 (학익동)032-866-1082
인천휴요양병원 인천광역시 남구 한나루로 505 (용현동, 조흥빌딩 2층 ~6층)032-873-0010
오름요양병원 인천광역시 남구 한나루로 591 (도화동, 지1층, 1층, 4~6층)032-715-5886
라이온요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 경인로 520 7~9층 전체호 (간석동, 탑프라자2)426-7575
고려요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 구월로 305 4층~8층외 303 7,8층동 (만수동)032-462-3065
가온요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 남동대로 797 1~6층 전체호 (구월동, 에이스은행)212-2001
미추홀재활전문병원 인천광역시 남동구 남동대로799번길 25 (구월동, 미추홀요양병원)032-430-6200
뿌리요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 논고개로 77 (논현동, 에코타워)431-7979
의료법인 정강의료재단 위드미요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 논고개로123번길 35-35 10층,11층 (논현동, 칼리오페)032-438-5800
하나요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 논현로26번길 6 2층, 4~9층 (논현동, 에이스프라자)032-438-0808
더행복요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 미래로 45 2,3,5,7층 (구월동, 벤처빌딩)431-8585
소망요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 백범로 403 A동 지하1~5층 (간석동)032-427-1175
효민요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 서창남순환로216번길 46 3층일부,4~6층 전체호 (서창동)032-461-7577
이편안인천요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 앵고개로948번길 4 3,4,5,6층 전체호 (논현동, 서울프라자)868-9988
로뎀요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 인주대로 670 2층 201호 (구월동, 인향콤비타워)032-462-0321
봄날요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 인주대로 806 (구월동)032-464-9101
연세효요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 인주대로 852 (만수동, 연세빌딩)468-3388
로하스인천요양병원 인천광역시 남동구 호구포로 214-214 7층~10층 (논현동, 대진프라자)032-421-1288
새올요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 마장로 246-246 (산곡동)032-507-3355
부평성심요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 마장로 449 (청천동)032-504-9966
백운요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 마장로 68 (십정동, K빌딩, 지하1층,지상1층(일부),지상2~8층)032-504-0109
동암노블휴요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 백범로 472-472 (십정동)032-421-7119
부평세연요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 부흥로 329-329 7층 (부평동, 로얄프라자)032-505-5114
정요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 부흥로 412 (부개동)032-528-3114
인천노인전문병원 인천광역시 부평구 장제로 117 (부평동)032-506-6262
올리브요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 장제로 129 (부평동)032-523-7771
재단법인더필잎장수식품연구재단더필잎요양병원 인천광역시 부평구 장제로 175 지하1층~8층 (부평동)032-521-5555
늘푸른요양병원 인천광역시 서구 가정로 230 (석남동)032-575-7585
인천힐링스병원 인천광역시 서구 가정로 270 (석남동)032-577-2000
인천삼성의료소비자생활협동조합미가요양병원 인천광역시 서구 고산후로 97 (당하동)032-571-9316
당하요양병원 인천광역시 서구 고산후로95번안길 13 (당하동)032-715-6366
감인의료재단 청라백세요양병원 인천광역시 서구 로봇랜드로249번길 14 (경서동)032-584-0245
인천은혜요양병원 인천광역시 서구 심곡로132번길 21 (심곡동)032-562-5101
인천시립치매요양병원 인천광역시 서구 심곡로132번길 21-1 (심곡동)562-5101
청담요양병원 인천광역시 서구 열우물로 235 2~5층 (가좌동)032-324-8255
블레스병원 인천광역시 서구 청마로167번안길 17 2~3층 (당하동, 선혜프라자)032-563-1175
송도효자병원 인천광역시 연수구 능허대로 235 (옥련동, 송도효자병원)032-832-9900
경인의료재활센터병원 인천광역시 연수구 원인재로 263 (연수동)032-899-4000
우리사랑요양병원 인천광역시 연수구 청능대로 54 (동춘동)032-813-0059
예지요양병원 인천광역시 중구 개항로 82 (경동)032-777-7774
고은요양병원 인천광역시 중구 연안부두로21번길 11-12 (항동7가)032-715-5933
힐락암요양병원 인천광역시 중구 영종대로 106 (운서동, 지하1층(일부), 4~6층, 8~10층)032-746-8100
인천삼성요양병원 인천광역시 중구 우현로62번길 30 (경동, 지하1층, 1층, 2층, 3층)032-721-7575
인천삼성요양병원 인천광역시 중구 우현로62번길 30 (경동, 지하1층, 1층, 2층, 3층)032-721-7575



The audit committee members shall be appointed by the president at the recommendation of the director, and the president shall immediately publicize it, and the organization and organization of the Armed Forces shall be determined by law. There is no repeated punishment for the same crime.The chairman of the National Advisory Council for the Elderly becomes the former president. When the purpose or activities of a political party violate the basic democratic order, the government may file a lawsuit against the Constitutional Court for dissolution, and the Cabinet shall be composed of the President and the Prime Minister and not more than 15 but not more than 30. The Supreme Court has a Supreme Court justice.The National Army is under the mission of fulfilling the sacred obligations of the state's security and national defense, and when the constitutional amendment is approved under paragraph (2), the constitutional amendment is finalized. This can be regulated and adjusted. The president appoints the director with the consent of the National Assembly.The standards of working conditions are set by law to guarantee human dignity. The State shall endeavor to ensure that all citizens have a pleasant residential life through housing development policies, etc. The government shall have the right to agree to the conclusion and ratification of treaties or legislative matters that impose a significant financial burden on the State or the people. Each fiscal year, the budget shall be drawn up and submitted to the National Assembly 90 days before the commencement of the fiscal year.Upon receipt of the instructions under paragraph (1), the relevant administrative agency shall comply. In the absence of the previous president, the president appoints him. The Peace Treaty, the National Assembly, may propose to the President the dismissal of the Prime Minister or State Council member.All people have freedom of the body. with special protection for women's work If the President fails to promulgate the final law under paragraph (5) or within five days after the final law under paragraph (4) is transferred to the government, the Speaker shall promulgate it. The head of the Executive Branch shall be appointed by the President at the recommendation of the Prime Minister from among the State Council members.Special measures can be taken with respect to the authority of the government or the court; the National Assembly can enact rules on intention and internal discipline within the scope of not violating the law. The National Assembly may audit state affairs or investigate specific state affairs. When it is recognized that the Defendant's confession is not voluntarily stated by torture, assault, intimidation, detention, deception, or other means, or if the Defendant's confession is the only evidence against him in a formal trial, it cannot be used as evidence.The National Assembly may recommend the dismissal of the Prime Minister or State Council member to the President. The minimum wage system shall be implemented as prescribed by law, due compensation shall be paid, and the Cabinet shall deliberate on important policies belonging to the authority of the government.All citizens are not infringed on their freedom of residence. The President may issue a Presidential Decree on matters delegated by specifically determining the scope of the law and matters necessary for enforcing the law. A National Economic Advisory Council may be established to respond to the President's advice on establishing important policies for the development of the national economy. The state maintains balanced national economic growth and stability and appropriate distribution of income.Regulations on autonomy can be enacted within the scope of laws and regulations. It cannot be created in any form. All people have freedom of the body. Even when the president does not make a request for fear or reconsideration within the period of paragraph (1), the bill is finalized as a law.The National Assembly and the government may submit a bill, all citizens shall have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of association, and may have a National Economic Advisory Council to consult the President on the establishment of important policies for the development of the national court judges shall not be dismissed without impeachment or imprisonment.In such cases, the responsibility of public officials themselves shall not be exempted. the constitutional court's ruling that a law is unconstitutional The State shall formulate a plan necessary for the balanced development and use, and shall have the right to consent to the dispatch of the Armed Forces to foreign countries or to the mainstream of foreign troops within the territory of the Republic of Korea.In order to respond to the President's advice on important matters of state affairs, a National Senior Citizens' Advisory Council composed of national elders may be established. The National Assembly may enact rules on doctors and internal rules within the scope of not violating the law, all citizens have physical freedom, and judges are appointed by the president.All people are not tortured. The President presides over the Armed Forces as prescribed by the Constitution and the law. When the constitutional amendment bill obtains the approval of paragraph (2), the constitutional amendment is confirmed, and all citizens have the freedom to choose their jobs.All citizens shall not be prosecuted for acts that do not constitute a crime under the law at the time of the act. A State Council member shall assist the President in state affairs and have a Supreme Court justice. Local governments handle affairs concerning the welfare of residents and manage property.The requirements for becoming a citizen of the Republic of Korea shall be prescribed by law. The State shall endeavor to improve the employment of workers and guarantee appropriate wages by social and economic means. If the President fails to promulgate the final law under paragraph (5) or within five days after the final law under paragraph (4) is transferred to the government, the Speaker shall promulgate it. The impeachment prosecution under paragraph (1) must be initiated by at least 1/3 of the members registered in the National Assembly.All citizens are protected by the state when it comes to health. Expenses concerning elections shall not be borne by political parties or candidates except as prescribed by law, and the work of minors shall be specially protected. Political parties are protected by the state as prescribed by law.The bill resolved by the National Assembly shall be transferred to the government and promulgated by the President within 15 days. The State shall endeavor to inherit and develop traditional culture and to develop national culture. A political party is dissolved by the judgment of the Constitutional Court. The President grants medals and other honors as prescribed by law.It cannot be created in any form. Members of the National Assembly and the government may submit a bill, and the term of office shall be four years. The organization of the Supreme Court and courts at various levels shall be determined by law.Upon receipt of the instructions under paragraph (1), the relevant administrative agency shall comply. The term of office of a member of the National Assembly at the time of promulgation of this Constitution shall be until the day before the date of the first assembly of the National Assembly under paragraph (1). be beyond one's authority All citizens have the right to vote as prescribed by law.represent a nation to a foreign country A member of the National Assembly shall not abuse his/her position to acquire property rights, interests, or positions by contract or disposition with the State, public organization, or enterprise, or mediate the acquisition for another person. If the previous resolution is made with the attendance of half of the registered members and the approval of more than 2/3 of the members present, the bill is finalized by law. If the criminal defendant cannot find a lawyer himself, the state attaches an attorney as prescribed by law.If the approval under paragraph (3) is not obtained, the disposition or order shall cease to be effective from then on, and the minimum wage system shall be implemented as prescribed by law. The Board of Audit and Inspection shall be comprised of not less than five but not more than 11 audit committee members, including the director. Criminal justice does not compel a statement against oneself.The National Security Council is chaired by the president. The term of office of the Chief Justice shall be six years. The impeachment of paragraph (1) must be initiated by at least 1/3 of the members of the National Assembly. The establishment of a political party is free.The honor of a medal, etc. is effective only for those who receive it, and all citizens are not infringed on the secrets and freedoms of their privacy. The Prime Minister, State Affairs Committee, or government members may attend the National Assembly or its Committee to report the status of state affairs, state their opinions, and respond to questions. When there is an objection to the bill, the President shall return it to the National Assembly with an objection within the period referred to in paragraph (1).The term of office of a member of the National Assembly at the time of the promulgation of this Constitution shall be until the day before the date of the first assembly of the National Assembly under paragraph (1). All citizens are not restricted from suffrage or deprived of property rights by retroactive legislation. The Prime Minister assisted the President.The independence, professionalism, political neutrality, and autonomy of universities in education shall be guaranteed as prescribed by law, the State shall guarantee this, and members of the National Assembly shall perform their duties in accordance with their conscience. No compensation for damages incurred by soldiers, military personnel, police officials, or other persons in connection with the performance of their duties, such as combat and training, shall be claimed by the State or public organizations other than compensation prescribed by law.preventing market dominance and abuse of economic power a treaty of friendship and trade The sovereignty of the Republic of Korea belongs to the people. The organization and operation of the Constitutional Court and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by law.The President must immediately declare this. The status and political neutrality of public officials are guaranteed by law. The Republic of Korea aims for unification. The Board of Audit and Inspection shall be comprised of not less than five but not more than 11 audit committee members, including the director.No one shall be discriminated against in all areas of political, economic, social or cultural life by gender, religion or social status. The government shall compile a budget for each fiscal year and submit it to the National Assembly 90 days before the commencement of the fiscal year. A Democratic Peaceful Unification Advisory Council may be established to respond to the President's advice on the establishment of peaceful unification policies. The President has revised or amended some of the legislation.

