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업데이트일: 2022-07-11
주소순정렬, 휴대폰은 가로로 보세요.
요양병원 | 주소 | 전화번호 |
강진효요양병원 | 전라남도 강진군 강진읍 솔치로 291-21 () | 061-432-7500 |
고흥군공립노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 고흥군 고흥읍 고흥로 1941 (고흥읍) | 061-830-4100 |
곡성군립노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 곡성군 겸면 곡순로 1756 (겸면) | 061-360-9000 |
의료법인대운의료재단 큰길요양병원 | 전라남도 곡성군 오산면 무옥로 331-11 () | 070-4613-0102 |
의료법인백운의료재단 칠성요양병원 | 전라남도 광양시 광양읍 남문3길 7 () | 061-763-1500 |
의료법인21세기의료재단 복음요양병원 | 전라남도 광양시 광양읍 대림오성로 61 () | 061-763-7575 |
늘편한요양병원 | 전라남도 광양시 중마중앙로 134 (중동) | 061-794-1000 |
광양시공립노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 광양시 진등길 91 (마동) | 061-792-5600 |
의료법인행림의료재단지리산요양병원 | 전라남도 구례군 구례읍 구례로 28 (구례읍) | 061-902-0606 |
구례요양병원 | 전라남도 구례군 구례읍 동편제길 4 (구례읍) | 061-780-3333 |
의료법인숭덕의료재단 구례효사랑요양병원 | 전라남도 구례군 구례읍 봉동길 31 () | 061-782-7575 |
의료법인숭덕의료재단 구례효사랑요양병원 | 전라남도 구례군 구례읍 봉동길 31 () | 061-782-7575 |
의료법인세화의료재단 나주효사랑요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 금천면 영산로 5891-9 | 061-331-3900 |
의료법인세화의료재단나주효사랑병원 | 전라남도 나주시 금천면 영산로 5891-9 () | 061-330-1700 |
의료법인식산의료재단나사렛요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 남평읍 세남로 1550 (남평읍) | 061-339-9900 |
의료법인식산의료재단나사렛요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 남평읍 세남로 1550 (남평읍) | 061-339-9900 |
노블요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 남평읍 세남로 1566-3 (남평읍) | 061-339-9000 |
즐거운요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 노안면 노안삼도로 507-14 (노안면) | 061-332-3500 |
국립나주병원 | 전라남도 나주시 산포면 세남로 1328-31 (산포면) | 061-330-4114 |
나주중앙요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 영산로 5406 (성북동) | 061-330-9114 |
한결우리요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 왕곡면 영산포로 30-13 () | 061-930-0003 |
한우리요양병원 | 전라남도 나주시 왕곡면 영산포로 54-14 54 | 061-330-0000 |
의료법인무등산의료재단 무등산생태요양병원 | 전라남도 담양군 남면 가사문학로 1939 1939 | 061-380-8090 |
의료법인경애의료재단 담양참사랑병원 | 전라남도 담양군 대덕면 용산로 369 () | 061-381-7582 |
명문요양병원 | 전라남도 담양군 대덕면 창평현로 1063 () | 061-381-8075 |
백담의료재단 한울요양병원 | 전라남도 담양군 창평면 의병로 196 () | 061-382-0800 |
창평한마음요양병원 | 전라남도 담양군 창평면 화양길 64-14 () | 061-380-7201 |
아름다운요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 백년대로 267-267 267 | 061-282-8100 |
의료법인효경의료재단 효성요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 양을로 456 (상동) | 061-800-5500 |
의료법인우성의료재단 목포효노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 영산로 143 (호남동) | 061-800-9988 |
목포재활요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 영산로 627 (석현동) | 061-280-6800 |
목포세종요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 영산로 710-11 (석현동) | 061-288-9000 |
의료법인새한의료재단 목포성심요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 영산로844번길 13 (대양동) | 061-283-5400 |
정담의료소비자생활협동조합삼학요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 자유로71번길 71-6 (산정동) | 061-261-3600 |
의료법인청명의료재단 목포참사랑요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 차범석길35번길 9 (북교동) | 061-240-1600 |
의료법인항운의료재단목포요양병원 | 전라남도 목포시 해안로 243-3 (행복동1가) | 061-276-3355 |
공립무안군노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 무안군 무안읍 몽탄로 51-12 (무안읍) | 061-453-7007 |
의료법인숭민의료재단 초당요양병원 | 전라남도 무안군 무안읍 성남1길 97-2 () | 061-453-4300 |
의료법인숭민의료재단 초당요양병원 | 전라남도 무안군 무안읍 성남1길 97-2 () | 061-453-4300 |
보성군립노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 보성군 벌교읍 남하로 4-10 (벌교읍) | 061-859-9000 |
보성요양병원 | 전라남도 보성군 벌교읍 녹색로 4816-15 (벌교읍) | 061-857-8800 |
의료법인제석의료재단보광요양병원 | 전라남도 보성군 벌교읍 조정래길 2-2 2 | 061-857-8000 |
의료법인휴사랑의료재단 보성제일요양병원 | 전라남도 보성군 보성읍 송재로 59-2 () | 061-853-7700 |
순천은병원 | 전라남도 순천시 낙안면 읍성로 302 302 | 061-752-8575 |
의료법인 진촌의료재단 순천만요양병원 | 전라남도 순천시 별량면 덕정길 74 (별량면) | 061-749-9000 |
순천생협요양병원 | 전라남도 순천시 봉화로 62 (조곡동) | 061-759-3300 |
의료법인청울의료재단선암요양병원 | 전라남도 순천시 상사면 상사호길 231 () | 061-740-6697 |
메디팜요양병원 | 전라남도 순천시 양율길 306 (인월동) | 061-729-3300 |
의료법인숭덕의료재단 순천효사랑요양병원 | 전라남도 순천시 해룡면 여순로 1600 () | 061-720-1000 |
의료법인숭덕의료재단 순천효사랑요양병원 | 전라남도 순천시 해룡면 여순로 1600 () | 061-720-1000 |
신안군노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 신안군 압해읍 구항길 92-50 () | 061-246-0555 |
우리요양병원 | 전라남도 여수시 동문로 75-75 75 | 061-808-3008 |
여수시노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 여수시 둔덕5길 29 (둔덕동) | 061-653-9119 |
사랑재활요양병원 | 전라남도 여수시 봉산남3길 9 (봉산동) | 061-808-1000 |
의료법인주영의료재단동인요양병원 | 전라남도 여수시 좌수영로 319 (문수동) | 061-655-0030 |
여수강남요양병원 | 전라남도 여수시 진남로 15 (충무동) | 061-810-1004 |
재단법인여수요양병원 | 전라남도 여수시 화양면 장수로 204-32 () | 061-690-0500 |
여수노블요양병원 | 전라남도 여수시 흥국로 40-40 40 | 061-688-0000 |
영광군공립요양병원 | 전라남도 영광군 영광읍 와룡로 3-1 () | 061-353-7500 |
의료법인거명의료재단영광기독신하병원 | 전라남도 영광군 영광읍 천년로 1351-15 (영광읍) | 061-353-9000 |
영암효요양병원 | 전라남도 영암군 덕진면 예향로 1764 () | 061-471-6888 |
하나요양병원 | 전라남도 영암군 신북면 과원동길 138-138 138 | 061-904-3000 |
백양요양병원 | 전라남도 장성군 삼계면 능성로 29-1 () | 061-930-5000 |
의료법인 효문의료재단 효실천사랑나눔요양병원 | 전라남도 장성군 삼계면 해삼로 1321 (삼계면) | 061-395-0075 |
장성공립노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 장성군 장성읍 강변안길 100 () | 061-395-1170 |
진도군노인전문요양병원 | 전라남도 진도군 의신면 운림산방로 31 (의신면) | 061-542-3004 |
상무드림요양병원 | 전라남도 함평군 월야면 월야덕산길 4-171 () | 061-323-6700 |
함평군공립요양병원 | 전라남도 함평군 학교면 학교화산길 16-19 (학교면) | 061-322-4119 |
의료법인소망의료재단가나안요양병원 | 전라남도 해남군 마산면 마산로 433-15 (마산면) | 061-532-3751(3) |
의료법인소망의료재단가나안요양병원 | 전라남도 해남군 마산면 마산로 433-15 (마산면) | 061-532-3751(3) |
의료법인연희의료재단해남혜민병원 | 전라남도 해남군 옥천면 해남로 583-52 (옥천면) | 061-534-8868 |
보은병원 | 전라남도 화순군 도곡면 고인돌1로 282-14 (도곡면) | 061-370-3014 |
미소요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 도곡면 고인돌1로 282-14 282 | 061-370-3014 |
비오메드요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 도곡면 온천1길 59 () | 061-870-7575 |
수피아요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 동면 언동길 80-15 () | 061-375-4600 |
뉴라이프요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 동면 운곡길 6-75 () | 061-373-7332 |
마루요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 춘양면 개천로 249 () | 061-373-9100 |
화순랜드요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 한천면 헌무정길 119 () | 061-373-8600 |
백재활요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 화순읍 대교로 147-10 (화순읍) | 061-373-0500 |
전남제일요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 화순읍 덕음로 999 (화순읍) | 061-900-1100 |
화순노인전문병원 | 전라남도 화순군 화순읍 서양로 330 () | 061-379-6114 |
보궁요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 화순읍 서양로 372 () | 061-375-2900 |
의료법인무진의료재단화순현대요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 화순읍 중앙로 8 () | 061-370-7000 |
화순무지개요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 화순읍 진각로 242-8 화순무지개요양병원 | 061-370-0700 |
화순베스트요양병원 | 전라남도 화순군 화순읍 칠충로 101 () | 061-375-8400 |
The President may declare martial law as prescribed by law if he/she needs to comply with military needs or maintain a public order in wartime, incident, or equivalent national emergency, and the exercise of his/her authority is suspended until the impeachment trial. Every citizen has the freedom to choose a career. The Board of Audit and Inspection shall be comprised of not less than five but not more than 11 audit committee members, including the director.Matters necessary for ensuring the facility standards of telecommunications and broadcasting and the function of newspapers shall be prescribed by Act. The establishment of a political party is free. A diplomatic envoy shall be trusted, received, or dispatched, and if the approval under paragraph (3) is not obtained, the disposition or order shall cease to be effective from then on.The organization, scope of duties, and other necessary matters of the National Security Council shall be prescribed by law, and if there is no previous president, the president shall designate it. The State shall endeavor to achieve the principle of cultivation and liberalization with respect to farmland. Military trials under emergency rules may be conducted with a single heart only in cases of crimes by soldiers and military personnel or espionage against the military, and in cases prescribed by the Act among sentry, sentry, supply of toxic food, and capture.No punishment, security measures, or forced labor shall be subject to punishment, security measures, or compulsory labor, except in accordance with laws and due process. All citizens are not prosecuted for acts that do not constitute a crime under the law at the time of the act. Citizens who have suffered damages due to illegal acts in the course of their duties may request legitimate compensation from the State or public organizations as prescribed by law. The National Assembly can enact rules on intention and internal discipline within the scope of not violating the law.Rules on internal discipline and business processing can be established. Only the first time may be appointed, and the Supreme Court justice shall be appointed by the President with the consent of the National Assembly at the recommendation of the Chief Justice. The state establishes a necessary plan for its balanced development and utilization.When it is recognized that the Defendant's confession was not voluntarily stated by torture, assault, intimidation, detention, deception, or other methods, or if the Defendant's confession is the only evidence against him in a formal trial, it cannot be used as evidence of guilt or punished. The requirements for becoming a citizen of the Republic of Korea shall be prescribed by law. The Constitutional Court shall comprise nine judges qualified as judges. The right to collective action of workers engaged in major defense companies prescribed by law may be restricted or not recognized as prescribed by law.Religion and politics are separate. The term of office of the President shall be five years, and all citizens shall have freedom of choice of occupation, and the State shall maintain balanced growth and stability of the national economy and distribution of appropriate income.The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and judges other than the Supreme Court shall be appointed by the Chief Justice with the consent of the Supreme Court. If the approval under paragraph (3) is not obtained, the disposition or order shall cease to be effective from then on. A soldier cannot be appointed as a member of the State Council unless he or she is out of active service. The term of office of the President shall be five years.A political party is dissolved by the judgment of the Constitutional Court, and if it commits a crime equivalent to a sentence of more than three years, and there is a risk of escape or destruction of evidence, a warrant may be requested after death. It cannot be created in any form, and if a member of the National Assembly is arrested or detained before the session, he or she will be released during the session at the request of the National Assembly unless he or she is a current criminal.The National Assembly may vote on impeachment if the President, Prime Minister, State Councilor, Administrative Branch, Constitutional Court Judge, Judge, Central Election Commission Member, Auditor General, or other public officials violate the Constitution or law in their performance. An administrative trial can be conducted as a pre-trial procedure. The state fosters foreign trade.When the constitutional amendment bill obtains the approval of paragraph (2), the constitutional amendment is confirmed. When there is an objection to the bill, the President shall return it to the National Assembly with an objection within the period referred to in paragraph (1). Workers have the right to independent unity, collective bargaining, and collective action to improve working conditions. Laws and treaties at the time of the enforcement of this Constitution shall remain in effect unless they violate this Constitution.The establishment, organization, and scope of duties of the Executive Branch shall be determined by law. The term of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be six years, and all power shall come from the people. Persons with physical disabilities and citizens who do not have the ability to live due to illness, old age, or other reasons are protected by the State as prescribed by law.Treaties on important international organizations A second term may be used only for the first term. The President may attend the National Assembly and speak or express his/her opinion in a letter, and the Supreme Court shall have a Supreme Court justice.The State Council shall be comprised of the President and the Prime Minister and not less than 15 but not more than 30 State Council members. When the National Assembly requests the lifting of martial law with the approval of a majority of registered members, the president shall lift it. The state maintains balanced national economic growth and stability and appropriate distribution of income. The audit committee is appointed by the president at the recommendation of the director.If the budget bill is not resolved until the commencement of the new fiscal year, the government may execute expenses for the following purposes in accordance with the previous year's budget until the budget bill is resolved by the National Assembly: The Prime Minister becomes vice-chairman. He may be reappointed as prescribed by law. The sovereignty of the Republic of Korea belongs to the people.Impeachment decision. Supreme Court has a Supreme Court justice. A State Council member assists the President in state affairs. The President's actions under the law of the country shall be documented.The regular session of the National Assembly shall be held once a year as prescribed by law. When making a decision on friendly trade navigation, dissolution of a party, or citation of a constitutional petition, at least six judges shall approve it. The term of office of a member of the National Assembly at the time of promulgation of this Constitution shall be until the day before the date of the first assembly of the National Assembly under paragraph (1).All citizens are not infringed on privacy and freedom. In such cases, the responsibility of public officials themselves shall not be exempted. The chairman of the National Advisory Council for the Elderly becomes the former president. The regular meeting is for 100 days.The organization and authority of the military court and the qualifications of judges shall be determined by law. Civil servants are volunteers to the whole nation. Even when the president does not make a request for fear or reconsideration within the period of paragraph (1), the bill is finalized as a law. All citizens are not prosecuted for acts that do not constitute a crime under the law at the time of the act.This can be regulated and adjusted. All citizens have the right to be educated equally according to their abilities. The Republic of Korea is a democratic republic. A National Economic Advisory Council may be established to respond to the President's advice on establishing important policies for the development of the national economy.Except in cases prescribed by law due to urgent needs for national defense or the national economy, punishment, security disposition, or compulsory labor shall not be subject to punishment, security disposition, or compulsory labor without due to legal and legitimate procedures. Regulations on autonomy can be enacted within the scope of laws and regulations. In the case where an emergency martial law is declared, the warrant system as prescribed by law.There is no repeated punishment for the same crime. In the case of a current criminal and a crime corresponding to a sentence of at least three years, and if there is a risk of escape or destruction of evidence, a warrant may be requested after death. The organization, scope of duties, qualifications of audit committee members, scope of public officials subject to audit, and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by law. The press and publication shall not infringe on the honor or rights of others, public morality, or social ethics.If the criminal defendant cannot find a lawyer himself, the state shall attach a lawyer as prescribed by law, may be reappointed as prescribed by law, or if it is an even number, it shall be deemed to have been rejected. The impeachment prosecution under paragraph (1) must be initiated by at least 1/3 of the members registered in the National Assembly.A member of the National Assembly cannot concurrently hold a position prescribed position by law. The system of special social classes is not recognized, and the National Assembly is a treaty on mutual aid or security. The organization and operation of the Constitutional Court and other necessary matters shall be prescribed by law.Laws and treaties at the time of the enforcement of this Constitution shall remain in effect unless they violate this Constitution. The head of the Constitutional Court shall be appointed or appointed by the President from among judges with the consent of the National Assembly. only.The organization, scope of duties, and other necessary matters of the Election Management Committee of each level shall be prescribed by law. The president is the head of state. This can be regulated and adjusted. Parliament is a treaty on mutual aid or security.When a person who has been detained as a criminal suspect or a criminal defendant is not prosecuted or acquitted by law, he/she may request legitimate compensation from the state as prescribed by law. Its contents and limitations are prescribed by law. In this case, the law that was amended or abolished by the order naturally recovers its effect from the time the order fails to obtain approval. The state determines the contents and conditions of its duty to work by law in accordance with the democratic principle.No person shall be arrested or arrested unless he/she is notified of the reason for arrest or arrest and the right to receive assistance from a lawyer. The president is in a critical state of engagement that is concerned with the safety of the nation.
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